Computer Aided Structural Analysis

Tips and Tricks for
Computer Aided Structural Analysis
Saikat Basak
M.Eng (Structural), BCE, CIC, AIE (Ind.), A.ASCE Structural Engineer
© Saikat Basak The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for the incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the permission in writing from the author. 1st Edition 2001 Published on the web Price: FREE for online viewing
1. Introduction (before you begin…)
In this book I shall tell you some practical tips for structural analysis using computer. Most structural engineering books are written to tell you how you will perform the calculation by hand. But even sometimes analysis using computer can be very tricky. You may need to manipulate computer input to solve a problem, which may at first appear to be unsolvable by that program. Finite element programs and structural analysis programs tend to be very expensive. Most small-scale engineering firms keep only one analysis program. Even for a large corporate companies it is seldom possible to maintain more than two standard analysis packages. Therefore it is essential that you use your present analysis program to its full extent. This is not a textbook. I make no attempt to teach you theory of structural analysis to score good marks in the exam! But it can help you to earn more money by enabling you to analyze some structures more easily and accurately, which you were previously thought too difficult to deal with your existing analysis program. Also, I am not going to teach you any particular structural analysis computer program. However, the techniques of analysis discussed here are applicable to most standard analysis packages. I presented the whole thing in an informative yet informal manner. I confined the boring theory and calculation to minimum level. No special knowledge is required to get the most out of this book. Only Bachelor Degree knowledge in Civil/Mechanical Engineering is assumed. However some parts of the book do discuss some topics which are normally covered in Master’s degree level in detail. Also, I expect that you are familiar with at least one standard structural analysis package otherwise you may find the contents of this book quite terse! This book does not contain listing of any computer program; because I know that most readers will not bother to type them or to even read them. But remember the most important advice: A structure will not behave as the computer program tells it should regardless of how accurate the program seems or how expensive it is! Thus goes the famous proverb “With good engineering judgement you can produce on the back of an envelop that which
otherwise cannot be produced with a ton of computer output”. You should paste this in front of your computer so that you see it everyday. (I did it!) Before you accuse me by complaining that my tips do not work with your program, I like to mention following important points.
- I did not work with all the structural analysis programs available in the market.
- Some features I discussed here may not be available in your program. It can even happen that the program you are using has better option to handle a particular problem compared to what I discussed in this book.
- I am only providing you some “clues” for more effective use of structural analysis programs. However, every analysis problem is unique depending on type of project, cost, client’s requirement etc. Those specific criteria you have to solve yourself.
- Documentation of the program you are using is very important. The program manuals are the best source of help always.
The sections of this book are arranged in somewhat haphazard manner deliberately so that you don’t feel bored. The paragraphs are small and to the point. We have often returned to same topics in several sections from different viewpoints. Wherever necessary, numerical examples have been presented. There are also some exercises. Please try to solve them with your structural/FE analysis programs. I like to see your comments and suggestions. You can reach me at enselsoftware. com in World Wide Web. I shall be more than happy to answer your queries. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the book. Have a nice reading!

Tips and Tricks for
Computer Aided Structural Analysis
Saikat Basak
M.Eng (Structural), BCE, CIC, AIE (Ind.), A.ASCE Structural Engineer
© Saikat Basak The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for the incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the permission in writing from the author. 1st Edition 2001 Published on the web Price: FREE for online viewing
1. Introduction (before you begin…)
In this book I shall tell you some practical tips for structural analysis using computer. Most structural engineering books are written to tell you how you will perform the calculation by hand. But even sometimes analysis using computer can be very tricky. You may need to manipulate computer input to solve a problem, which may at first appear to be unsolvable by that program. Finite element programs and structural analysis programs tend to be very expensive. Most small-scale engineering firms keep only one analysis program. Even for a large corporate companies it is seldom possible to maintain more than two standard analysis packages. Therefore it is essential that you use your present analysis program to its full extent. This is not a textbook. I make no attempt to teach you theory of structural analysis to score good marks in the exam! But it can help you to earn more money by enabling you to analyze some structures more easily and accurately, which you were previously thought too difficult to deal with your existing analysis program. Also, I am not going to teach you any particular structural analysis computer program. However, the techniques of analysis discussed here are applicable to most standard analysis packages. I presented the whole thing in an informative yet informal manner. I confined the boring theory and calculation to minimum level. No special knowledge is required to get the most out of this book. Only Bachelor Degree knowledge in Civil/Mechanical Engineering is assumed. However some parts of the book do discuss some topics which are normally covered in Master’s degree level in detail. Also, I expect that you are familiar with at least one standard structural analysis package otherwise you may find the contents of this book quite terse! This book does not contain listing of any computer program; because I know that most readers will not bother to type them or to even read them. But remember the most important advice: A structure will not behave as the computer program tells it should regardless of how accurate the program seems or how expensive it is! Thus goes the famous proverb “With good engineering judgement you can produce on the back of an envelop that which
otherwise cannot be produced with a ton of computer output”. You should paste this in front of your computer so that you see it everyday. (I did it!) Before you accuse me by complaining that my tips do not work with your program, I like to mention following important points.
- I did not work with all the structural analysis programs available in the market.
- Some features I discussed here may not be available in your program. It can even happen that the program you are using has better option to handle a particular problem compared to what I discussed in this book.
- I am only providing you some “clues” for more effective use of structural analysis programs. However, every analysis problem is unique depending on type of project, cost, client’s requirement etc. Those specific criteria you have to solve yourself.
- Documentation of the program you are using is very important. The program manuals are the best source of help always.
The sections of this book are arranged in somewhat haphazard manner deliberately so that you don’t feel bored. The paragraphs are small and to the point. We have often returned to same topics in several sections from different viewpoints. Wherever necessary, numerical examples have been presented. There are also some exercises. Please try to solve them with your structural/FE analysis programs. I like to see your comments and suggestions. You can reach me at enselsoftware. com in World Wide Web. I shall be more than happy to answer your queries. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the book. Have a nice reading!