CIRIA C589 retention of masonry facades

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    CIRIA C589 retention of masonry facades

    CIRIA C589 retention of masonry facades

    Retention of masonry façades –

    best practice site handbook

    M Bussell, consultant

    D Lazarus, Ove Arup & Partners

    P Ross, consultant


    This handbook offers best practice guidance for site work in connection with the

    safe, economic and practical retention of existing façades. More comprehensive

    guidance for the overall process of façade retention is contained in the companion

    volume, CIRIA publication C579, Masonry façade retention – best practice guide

    (CIRIA, 2003).

    The handbook is intended to be an essential part of site documentation for façade

    retention projects and is aimed principally at temporary works co-ordinators,

    planning supervisors, site agents and engineers and safety advisers. It contains

    checklists, lists of references and site-specific guidance taken from the more

    extensive Best practice guide (C579), together with material intended for use as

    site induction talks for site operatives (Section 8.1; not included in C579). Its format

    is deliberately concise and is designed for use as a reference outside the office.

    Both books contain references that were valid at the time of completion of the final

    drafts. However, publication has coincided with a period of intensive activity in the

    production of revised standards and Eurocodes. Other than where specifically

    noted, this handbook does not take into account either standards or legislation that

    may have appeared since August 2002.

