Hyperfine Architecture – Revit Tutorials
New to Revit or ready to become more efficient in the work you're already doing? This is a design course by an architect for aspiring architects and experienced architects wanting to learn more about Revit. This course is taught in Revit, and you will pick up plenty of tips and tricks to become more proficient, but this course is NOT about learning what buttons to press.
This course is about HOW a house gets built, WHY it gets built a certain way and the decisions and drawings an Architect needs to produce in order to convey a design to a client and a builder. If you are an architect or want to be one, you will gain professional knowledge and technical skills that will make you a better designer.

You'll Get:
76 video tutorials (more than 11 hours) covering the entire process of modeling and creating architectural drawings of a single family residential project.
Start before Revit is even open on your computer and end with this complete drawing set.
Revit Project File of the complete project, including all the custom line types, filled regions, families, schedules, wall types etc that you can copy directly into your own projects.
Size: 9.85 GB
New to Revit or ready to become more efficient in the work you're already doing? This is a design course by an architect for aspiring architects and experienced architects wanting to learn more about Revit. This course is taught in Revit, and you will pick up plenty of tips and tricks to become more proficient, but this course is NOT about learning what buttons to press.
This course is about HOW a house gets built, WHY it gets built a certain way and the decisions and drawings an Architect needs to produce in order to convey a design to a client and a builder. If you are an architect or want to be one, you will gain professional knowledge and technical skills that will make you a better designer.

You'll Get:
76 video tutorials (more than 11 hours) covering the entire process of modeling and creating architectural drawings of a single family residential project.
Start before Revit is even open on your computer and end with this complete drawing set.
Revit Project File of the complete project, including all the custom line types, filled regions, families, schedules, wall types etc that you can copy directly into your own projects.