Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Applications

with ABAQUS Applications
The purpose of this book is to provide civil engineering students and practitioners
with simple basic knowledge on how to apply the finite element method to soil
mechanics problems. This is essentially a soil mechanics book that includes traditional
soil mechanics topics and applications. The book differs from traditional soil
mechanics books in that it provides a simple and more flexible alternative using
the finite element method to solve traditional soil mechanics problems that have
closed-form solutions. The book also shows how to apply the finite element method
to solve more complex geotechnical engineering problems of practical nature that
do not have closed-form solutions.
In short, the book is written mainly for undergraduate students, to encourage
them to solve geotechnical engineering problems using both traditional engineering
solutions and the more versatile finite element solutions. This approach not only
teaches the concepts but also provides means to gain more insight into geotechnical
engineering applications that reinforce the concepts in a very profound manner.
The concepts are presented in a basic form so that the book can serve as a valuable
learning aid for students with no background in soil mechanics. The main prerequisite
would be strength of materials (or equivalent), which is a prerequisite for
soil mechanics in most universities.
General soil mechanics principles are presented for each topic, followed by traditional
applications of these principles with longhand solutions, which are followed
in turn by finite element solutions for the same applications, and then both solutions
are compared. Further, more complex applications are presented and solved using
the finite element method.