Wondershare PDFelement Professional + OCR

OCR, Scan, Edit, Convert PDF, PowerPoint, XLS and DOC

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  • Saadedin
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    Wondershare PDFelement Professional + OCR Multilingual

    Meet All-New PDFelement - the most Powerful and Simple PDF solution that changes the way you work with your important documents Forever. PDFelement delivers a better way to transform your office documents.

    Edit and OCR
    Smarter PDF Editing. Take control of your Office documents by adjusting or changing the font type, size and style, without losing font and formatting.
    OCR. Use a robust Optical Character Recognition feature to free text from scans and photos and transform it into editable, searchable and selectable PDFs.
    Text Autofit. Automatically reflow text when altering paragraphs in single line or paragraph mode.
    Spell Check. Fix typos and other small mistakes highlighted for you with automated spelling error detection.

    Forms and Data Extraction
    Create Fillable PDF Forms. Turn any non-fillable form made in Word, Excel or other Office applications into a fillable, editable PDF with just one click.
    Export Form Data into Excel. Use our intelligent form automation technology to extract PDF form data from hundreds of identical forms into a single, accessible Excel sheet within seconds.
    Export Data from Scanned PDFs. Use advanced OCR technology to quickly and accurately convert piles of paper documents into archive- and analysis-friendly Office files.
    Templates. Create your own form template. Or draw from PDFelementís library of 8000+ forms used commonly across a range of departments and industries.

    Combine and Create
    Create professional-looking PDFs from all the popular Office file types, plus 300+ other file types, and images, like JPEG, TIFF and PNG.
    Speedy PDF Creation. Combine hundreds of files in different file types into a single PDF.
    Reorder, Split, Add. Manage drag-and-droppable page thumbnails in an enlarged window to add, split, delete, and reorder pages.
    Bates Numbering. Add customizable Bates Numbering to documents for easy indexing and retrieval.

    Convert and Extract
    Convert. Transform PDFs into various file types, like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, JPEG and more with a simple click.
    Split PDFs. Split large PDFs into multiple smaller ones and save them into multiple file formats.
    Extract Pages. Pick a single page or range of pages from a document and convert them into a separate PDF.
    Batch Convert. Turn multiple PDF files into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint formats and more all at one time.

    Protect and Share
    Password Protection. Password protect PDF files with nearly unbreakable 256-bit AES encryption. Customizable controls let you lock specific functions like view, print, edit, fill and rotate.
    Redaction. Click-and-drag to permanently conceal text and images with user-selected colors. Then add custom overlay text or redaction codes.
    Sign. Create and manage digital signatures to approve and sign documents electronically.
    Share. Share your protected, digitally signed PDFs directly via Dropbox, or click to send them as an email attachment.

    Review and Comment
    Annotate. Collaborate on PDFs by adding sticky note comments and text boxes anywhere you like.
    Markup. Markup documents for reviewing with highlight, cross-out, underline and other text tools.
    Shapes. Use custom images and hand drawing tools to create familiar shapes ñ like lines, rectangles and arrows.
    Stamps. Insert commonly used stamps, like ìsign hereîflags and ìapprovedî. Or customized your own stamps and save them for later.

    File Size: 524.2 MB


  • mohammeddd9
    Free Membership
    • Feb 2019 

    لو سمحت ممكن ترفع البرنامج بدون البلجن
    لان حجم البلجن كبير
    • Oldvb
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      لمزيد من الامان لعدم كشف الكراك
      يفضل اضافة هذا السطر بملف الهوستس بالويندوز
      Code: activate.adobe.com127.0.0.1                   platform.wondershare.com
      • barbarous
        Free Membership
        • Jan 2019 

        برنامج ممتاز ولكنه لايدعم ملفات PDF باللغة العربية ... هل تم حل هذا المشكل في هذا الاصدار
        • Saadedin
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          أخي لا أظن أنه يوجد برنامج يدعم اللغة العربية بشكل صحيح حتى الان والله أعلم وربما دعم جزئي جدا لايفي بالغرض
          • Lazhar
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            بارك الله فيك
            • Ely Saleh
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              Wondershare PDFelement Professional


              • Saadedin
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                Wondershare PDFelement Professional Multilingual

                • القول المأثور
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                  يرجى ارسال أخر تحديث من البرنامج مفعلة.
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