Slope Stability and Erosion Control - Ecotechnological Solutions
“Ecotechnology is the use of technological means for ecosystem management,
based on deep ecological understanding, to minimize the costs of measures and their
harm to the environment” (Straskraba 1993). The science
of ecotechnology is similar to that called “ecological engineering,” which
in turn has been described as “the management of nature” (Odum 1971), or as “the
proactive design of sustainable ecosystems which integrate human society
with its natural environment, for the benefit of both” (Mitsch 1996; Painter 2003; Mitsch and Jørgensen 2004). Ecological engineering involves mostly creation and
restoration of ecosystems whereas ecotechnology encompasses the management of ecosystems
(Mitsch and Jørgensen 2004). Both subjects have largely been devoted to the sustainability of wetlands,