Strength Analysis in Geomechanics

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Strength Analysis in Geomechanics


    The solution of complex problems of strength in many branches of industry

    and science is impossible without a knowledge of fracture processes. Last 50

    years demonstrated a great interest to these problems that was stimulated

    by their immense practical importance. Exact methods of solution aimed at

    finding fields of stresses and strains based on theories of elasticity, plasticity,

    creep, etc. and a rough appreciation of strength provide different results

    and this discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the fracture is a complex

    problem at the intersection of physics of solids, mechanics of media and

    material sciences. Real materials contain many defects of different form and

    dimensions beginning from submicroscopic ones to big pores and main cracks.

    Because of that the use of physical theories for a quantitative appreciation of

    real structures can be considered by us as of little perspective. For technical

    applications the concept of fracture in terms of methods of continuum mechanics

    plays an important role. We shall distinguish between the strength of

    a material (considered as an element of it – a cube, for example) and that of

    structures, which include also samples (of a material) of a different kind. We

    shall also distinguish between various types of fracture: ductile (plastic at big

    residual strains), brittle (at small changes of a bodies’ dimensions) and due

    to a development of main cracks (splits).

    Here we will not use the usual approach to strength computation when the

    distribution of stresses are found by methods of continuum mechanics and then

    hypotheses of strength are applied to the most dangerous points. Instead, we

    consider the fracture as a process developing in time according to constitutive

    equations taking into account large strains of unsteady creep and damage

    (development of internal defects). Any stage of the structures’ deformation

    can be supposed as a dangerous one and hence the condition of maximum

    allowable strains can be used. But more convenient is the application of a

    criterion of an infinite strain rate at the moment of beginning of unstable

    deformation. This approach gives critical strains and the time in a natural

    way. When the influence of the latter is small, ultimate loads may be also

