Soil Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils by D. G. Fredlund, H. Rahardjo

The principles and concepts for unsaturated soils are developed as extensions of saturated soils. Addresses problems where soils have a matric suction or where pore-water pressure is negative. Covers theory, measurement and use of the fundamental properties of unsaturated soils--permeability, shear strength and volume change. Includes a significant amount of case studies.
Table of Contents
Phase Properties and Relations.
Stress State Variables.
Measurements of Soil Suction.
Flow Laws.
Measurement of Permeability.
Steady-State Flow.
Pore Pressure Parameters.
Shear Strength Theory.
Measurement of Shear Strength Parameters.
Plastic and Limit Equilibrium.
Volume Change Theory.
Measurements of Volume Change Indices.
Volume Change Predictions.
One-Dimensional Consolidation and Swelling.
Two- and Three-Dimensional Unsteady-State Flow and Nonisothermal Analyses.