Soil Mechanics - A. Verruijt - Delft University of Technology, 2001, 2004

Arnold Verruijt
Delft University of Technology, 2001, 2004
This is the screen version of the book SOIL MECHANICS, used at the Delft University of Technology.
It can be read using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Bookmarks are included to search for a chapter.
The book is also available in Dutch, in the file GrondMechBoek.pdf.
Exercises and a summary of the material, including graphical illustrations, are contained in the file SOLMEX.ZIP.
All software can be downloaded from the website
This book is intended as the text for the introductory course of Soil Mechanics in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Delft University of
Technology. It contains an introduction into the major principles and methods of soil mechanics, such as the analysis of stresses, deformations,
and stability. The most important methods of determining soil parameters, in the laboratory and in situ, are also described. Some basic
principles of applied mechanics that are frequently used are presented in Appendices. The subdivision into chapters is such that one chapter
can be treated in a single lecture, approximately.
Comments of students and other users on the material in earlier versions of this book have been implemented in the present version, and
errors have been corrected. Remaining errors are the author’s responsibility, of course, and all comments will be appreciated.
An important contribution to the production of the printed edition, and to this screen edition, has been the typesetting program
Zoetermeer, october 2004 Arnold Verruijt