Seismic, Creep, and Tensile Testing of Various Epoxy Bonded Rebar Products in Hardened Concrete

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1.1 Problem Statement
For certain applications, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
uses epoxy cartridge adhesives for bonding rebar into holes that are drilled in hardened concrete. Caltrans started using these adhesives on plain rebar since previous research and testing was completed on them. At some point, Caltrans used a large quantity of epoxy-coated rebar for earthquake retrofitted bridge structure rehabilitation projects. Concern was expressed about using epoxy-coated rebar with epoxy cartridge adhesives. Problems that could occur are long-term creep under sustained tensile loading and slip or strength loss during cyclic loading that takes place during a seismic event. The International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) had suggested that bars with any coatings should be treated as a new, different bar and would require a new set of tests. These tests have yet to be completed.
Caltrans’ Division of Materials Engineering and Testing Services recommended to Structures Design that a separate set of ICBO seismic tests be performed on epoxycoated
bars with epoxy cartridge adhesives. These tests would
have to pass Caltrans’ Augmentation to ICBO-AC58 [1] to be permitted for use in concrete
structures. They also recommended that a considerable reduction in allowable loads
be imposed on untested coated bars until the effects of coatings could be determined.