Structural detailing in concrete A comparative study of British European and American code

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Structural detailing in concrete A comparative study of British European and American codes and practices M.Bangash 2003


    A number of books on various aspects of concrete design and detailing have

    been published but this is believed to be the first comprehensive detailing

    manual. The aim of this book is to cover a wide range of topics, so simplifying

    and reducing the work required to prepare structural drawings and details in

    reinforced, prestressed, precast and composite concrete.

    The book initially provides a list of extracts from relevant codes and current

    practices. Where drawings are carried out using imperial units, a conversion

    table is provided to change them into SI units.

    The book is divided into eight sections: Section I deals with the general

    requirements for structural detailing in concrete, basic drafting criteria and the

    properties of materials. Section II is devoted entirely to the structural detailing

    of beams and slabs. Section III covers reinforced concrete detailing of stairs

    and staircases. A comprehensive description is given of the detailing of

    reinforced concrete columns, frames and walls in Section IV. The reader is

    also referred for more information to the later section on integrated


    Section V covers prestressed concrete systems with some basic structural

    detailing of beams and anchorages. Again the reader is referred to other

    sections, in particular Section VIII regarding the use of prestressed tendon

    elements in integrated structures. Section VI presents structural detailing in

    composite construction, precast concrete elements, joints and connections.

    Section VII includes basic structural detailing of reinforced concrete

    foundations and earth-retaining structures. An effort is made to include a

    number of foundation drawings so that the reader can appreciate the quality

    and design required for a specific job.

    Students of civil and structural engineering who have worked through to

    this part of the book will have acquired the background necessary to draw the

    majority of reinforced, prestressed, precast and composite concrete structures

    commonly encountered in professional practice. To assist the reader in his/her

    completion of drawings, an unusually large number of drawings have been

    incorporated into the text since they are generally the principal communication

    between the structural engineer/designer, architect, builder and client.

