Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

Section 1 Steel for reinforcement
Section 2 Detailing functions
Section 3 Structural drawing for detailing
Section 4 Gcncral detailing requirements
Section 5 Bar bending schcdulc including do’s and doni’s in dclailing
Section 6 Foundations
Section 7 Columns
Section 8 Beams
Section 9 Floor slabs
Section 10 Stairs
Section 11 Special structurcs--dccp beams, walls, shells and folded plates, water tanks, RC hinges, concrete pipes, machine foundations, and shear walls
Section 12 Ductility requirements of earthquake resistant building
Section I3 Transport, storage, fabrication, assembly and placing of steel reinforcement
Section 14 Typical strucrurai drawings Appendix A Welding Appendix B IS0 4066-1977 Building and civil cnginccring
drawings-bar scheduling Appendix C Dimensions and properties of hard-drawn steel wire
fabric and other bars
Section 2 Detailing functions
Section 3 Structural drawing for detailing
Section 4 Gcncral detailing requirements
Section 5 Bar bending schcdulc including do’s and doni’s in dclailing
Section 6 Foundations
Section 7 Columns
Section 8 Beams
Section 9 Floor slabs
Section 10 Stairs
Section 11 Special structurcs--dccp beams, walls, shells and folded plates, water tanks, RC hinges, concrete pipes, machine foundations, and shear walls
Section 12 Ductility requirements of earthquake resistant building
Section I3 Transport, storage, fabrication, assembly and placing of steel reinforcement
Section 14 Typical strucrurai drawings Appendix A Welding Appendix B IS0 4066-1977 Building and civil cnginccring
drawings-bar scheduling Appendix C Dimensions and properties of hard-drawn steel wire
fabric and other bars