برنامج DA-HelpCreator 2.4.0 لتصميم ملفات التعليمات

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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    وطابت اوقاتكم عامرة بالخير والمسرات
    برنامج DA-HelpCreator 2.4.0 لتصميم ملفات التعليمات بعدة صيغ متنوعة تناسب كافة المستخدمين

    DA-HelpCreator is a help authoring software, which helps you to create online help and documentation. It doesn’t matter if you as a software author want to create an online help in Windows CHM-Format or a FAQ page for the internet. DA-HelpCreator allows you to get started quickly and concentrate on the essentials: the content.
      The input is done in the simple markdown syntax. Layout and content are separated. You can choose from customizable templates for Export to HTML or the Compiled Help Format (CHM) from Microsoft. You want to offer the content online as a website or help file? No problem, with the FTP upload you can upload the project as a website to your webspace. Another click and you will have the same content as searchable help file on your computer.
    Documentation in HTML, CHM format
    Export to different formats Create documentation and online help in one time. Export the project as HTML web pages, Windows Help (CHM) file or as a web page with. exe runtime.
    Fast content creation thanks to markdown
    Create content with MarkdownUse the simple markdown syntax to create the content. Concentrate on the contents.
    Macro functions
    Macro functions Macro functions automatically create tables of contents and navigation elements, which automatically take care of linking and updating.
    Customizable templates
    Customizable responsive templates Select the design of the project from several responsive HTML templates. All templates can be customized.
    FTP upload for the website export
    FTP upload with syncronization Load the export as a website with one click on your webspace, with the integrated FTP upload and synchronization function. Only modified files can be transferred on request.
    Security with static content
    Security with static content Exporting as a website generates static web pages. This means no security gaps in your project.
    Open file format
    Open file format Each project is located in an open data structure on the hard disk. The contents are managed in text files. This allows easy management with external programs such as a text editor, Subversion or GIT.

    بيئة عمل البرنامج

    Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

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