برنامج Vladovsoft Hotel 8.3.0 لإدارة الفنادق من حجوزات والاقامه وغيره

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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    وطابت اوقاتكم عامرة بالخير والمسرات

    برنامج Vladovsoft Hotel 8.3.0 لإدارة الفنادق من حجوزات والاقامه وغيره بادارة شامله وكامله

    Vladovsoft Hotel is an easy to use, affordable hotel management software. It keeps track of all deliveries, sales, reservations and accommodations and makes the management of your hotel easier than ever.
    Features of the hotel management software
    works with unlimited number of products and services
    works with unlimited number of rooms, reservations and accommodations
    works with operators with different user rights
    forms for making deliveries and sales
    works with barcode scanners and barcode readers
    can sort the tables by any column
    can import and export each table to XML
    export of tables as interactive web pages, ready to be published to the Internet
    automatically fills the appropriate data after each operation
    automatically calculates the new price of the product after a delivery
    a large number of graphical and tabular reports and charts
    print preview, printer selection and printing of tables, forms and reports
    import and export of data to and from Access and Excel
    export of tables, documents and reports to PDF
    setting of different prices for rooms for up to 10 periods throughout the year
    making of invoices, including e-invoices in PDF format
    partial payment of reservations
    NEW - room account, which allows delayed payments for products and services, for example when the guests leave the hotel
    daily database backup
    rich help and support system

    Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10

    رابط التحميل



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