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برنامج OmniFormat 19.2 لتحويل صيغ الملفات إلى أكثر من 75 صيغة
كما هو موضح في عنوان الموضوع وفي نهاية الموضوع ستجد الصيغ المدعومة
OmniFormat is a powerful utility that allows you to automatically convert more than 75 file types (HTML, DOC, XLS, WPD, PDF, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, PCX, PPT, PS, TXT, Photo CD, FAX, and MPEG - ie all that occurs - images, documents, spreadsheets). Converter, and of course so much, but I wonder how it makes OmniFormat . It is necessary to specify the path to the folder in which the conversion will be carried out and the output format , and then just take and pull the files in the selected folder - the files will automatically be converted into the desired format. Special mention should be noted that the utility HTML2PDF995 OmniFormat complemented by high-quality conversion of HTML to PDF and other formats, and the official website you can also download the module Omniformat OCR Module for OCR in graphic form. With module OmniFormat Optical Character Recognition (OCR) obtained from scanned documents text files. In addition , OmniFormat contains editing images (resize, adjust brightness, contrast, etc.), and editing can be performed automatically according to the settings when you copy images to a specific folder.
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