PerfectIt Pro 5.9.3

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    PerfectIt Pro 5.9.3

    Proofreading Software for Professionals. Edit faster. Submit better documents. Make the best impression. PerfectIt is the leading software among professional proofreaders and editors. Professional writers and editors in 72 countries have been using PerfectIt since 2009.

    How PerfectIt improves your documents:
    • Check consistency
    • Enforce style rules
    • Locate undefined abbreviations
    • Customizable for house style
    • Works with all documents
    • US, UK, CA and AU English
    PerfectIt reduces time spent editing
    If you're working on contracts, proposals, reports, technical documents, articles and books, PerfectIt saves time on copy-editing, so that authors can pay more attention to what matters most: the words and their meaning.

    PerfectIt reduces errors
    By helping to eliminate typos, it saves money on re-writes and changes, especially after documents have gone to press.

    PerfectIt helps your words make the best impression
    It increases the chance that proposals will be accepted and articles will be published.

    PerfectIt helps build your brand
    It can enforce the preferences of your house style and ensure that your business is presented the way you want it to be.

    Introducing PerfectIt:
    Here’s what’s new in the latest version of PerfectIt:

    The most important changes in PerfectIt 4 are:
    • Faster initial scan saves time on every document.
    • New user interface with detailed previews and one-click fix.
    • GPO Style added to built-in styles.
    • Major updates to American Legal Style and WHO Style.
    • Base new styles on existing styles.
    • Combine styles to create new styles.
    • Online help.
    System Requirements:
    PerfectIt requires a PC running MS Word and Windows. It works with:

    - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10; and
    - Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.

    Languages: English | File Size: 242 MB




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            جزاكَ الله خيراً أخي الكريم

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                PerfectIt Pro 5.9.3
