Stress, Strain, and Structural Dynamics, Solutions, and MATLAB Toolboxes

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    Stress, Strain, and Structural Dynamics

    An Interactive Handbook of Formulas, Solutions, and MATLAB Toolboxes CD


    Stress, Strain, and Structural Dynamics; An Interactive Handbook of Formulas, Solutions, and MATLAB Toolboxes.pdf


    Appendix A Toolbox

    Chapter 2 Toolbox_Static Beam

    Chapter 3 Toolbox_Statics 2nd-order Systems

    Chapter 4 Toolbox_Buckling of Columns

    Chapter 5 Toolbox_Stress Analysis of 2D Problems

    Chapter 6 Toolbox_Static Multispan Beams

    Chapter 7 Toolbox_Plane Trusses

    Chapter 8 Toolbox_Plane Frames

    Chapter 9 Toolbox_Rigid-Body Dynamics

    Chapter 10 Toolbox_1-DOF Vib Systems

    Chapter 11 Toolbox_M-DOF Vib Systems

    Chapter 12 Toolbox_Dynamics and Control of Beams

    Chapter 13 Toolbox_Dynamics of 2nd-order Systems

    Chapter 14 Toolbox_Dynamics of Constrained Beams

    Chapter 15 Toolbox_Elasticity

    Chapter 16 Toolbox_Membranes and Plates

    Toolboxes for MATLAB version 5



    This book is intended to supply engineering professionals and students with a comprehensive and definitive reference to statics and dynamics of solids and structures. The book is for use as a resource and design tool in research and development, and for use as a study guide and learning aid in engineering education.

    The book is written to meet the needs for interactive computing in technical referencing and engineering education. These needs result from the design requirements for high-accuracy and high-performance structures, machines and devices in a variety of engineering applications, and from the trend of engineering curriculum development in response to today's environment of fast-changing technologies. Chapter 1 further explains the purpose and philosophy of this writing.

    As of 20 October 2004
    What's on This CD-ROM


    This CD-ROM contains computer codes that are used with the book
    "Stress, Strain, And Structural Dynamics
    --- An Interactive Handbook of Formulas, Solutions, and MATLAB Toolboxes"
    that is authored by Bingen Yang and published by Elsevier. These codes are written in MATLAB, and are called MATLAB functions. The codes are distributed in 16 Toolboxes, associated with Chapters 2 to 16 and Appendix A of the book. The codes are given in P-files, which are pre-parsed pseudo-code files.
    Read the License Agreement and Limited Warranty in the book before using the computer codes.



    The computer codes contained in this CD-ROM have been tested on MATALB in the following versions:
    Version 6.1 (R12)
    Version 6.5 (R13)
    Version 7.0 (R14)
    Student Versions (R13 and R14)

    These codes should be compatible with MATLAB of Versions 6.1 and up, and usable on all computer platforms (PC, Mac, and Unix).

    Computer Codes for MATLAB Version 5


    In the folder "Toolboxes for MATLAB Version 5" of this CD-ROM, are stored the computer codes for older versions of MATLAB. These codes have been tested on MATLAB in Version 5.3.


    MATLAB is a software product of The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. To use the MATLAB functions contained in this CD-ROM, MATLAB is needed. To obtain MATLAB, visit the website of The MathWorks
    Installation and Test


    To test a toolbox contained in this CD-ROM, drag all the files from the toolbox onto the "work" folder of MATLAB, and run the following commands in the MATLAB command window:


    Refer to the corresponding chapter of the book for further information on how to use each MATLAB function in engineering analysis.
    A toolbox can also be placed on any place of a hard disk of the user's computer. In that case, a path to the toolbox has to be set.

    Technical Support


    For technical problems about the MATLAB toolboxes contained in this CD-ROM, contact the author of the book according to the following mail and email addresses

    Professor Bingen Yang

    Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

    University of Southern California

    3650 McClintock Avenue, Room 430

    Los Angeles, CA 90089-1453

    Future Revisions

