Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings Volume 1

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings Volume 1


    Proposition 122 passed by California's voltts in

    1990, created the EarthquaU Safety and Public

    Buildings Rehabilitation

    Fund of 1990, sup-

    ported by a $300 million general obligation

    bond program for the seismic retrofit of state

    and local government buildings. As a part of

    the program, Proposition 122 authorizes the

    California Seismic Safety Commission (CSSC)

    to use np to I % ofthe proceeds of the bonds, or

    approx.imately $3 million, to carry out a range

    of activities that will capitalize aD the seismic

    retrofit ex.perience in the private sector to im-

    prove seismic retrofit practices for government

    buildings. The pUIJlOse of California's Proposi-

    tion 122 reseaxch and development program is

    to develop state-of·the-practice recommenda-

    tions to address current needs for seismic retr0-

    fit provisions and seismic risk decision tools. It

    is focused specifically on vulnerable concrete

    structures consistent with the types ofconcrete

    buildings that roaU up a significant portion of

    California's state and local government invento-ries.

