Seismic Retrofit of Cruciform-Shaped Columns in the Aurora Avenue Bridge Using FRP Wrapping

The 1971 San Fernando earthquake and other more recent earthquakes have
demonstrated that bridges built using older design codes may be vulnerable to damage under
seismic loading. Many of the interstate bridges in the United States were constructed in the
1950s and 1960s and incorporate deficiencies that must be addressed in order to avoid major
damage or even collapse under strong ground motion.
Common deficiencies found in bridges built prior to 1971 are insufficient transverse
reinforcement and inadequate lap splice length. In addition, poor detailing including lack of
proper anchorage of the transverse reinforcement, rare use of crossties, and lap splices located in
potential plastic hinge regions make older columns susceptible to failure. Possible failure modes
of deficient columns are shear failure, premature flexural failure and lap splice failure.