Precast Concrete Pier Systems for Rapid Construction of Bridges in Seismic Regions

Increasing traffic volumes and a deteriorating transportation infrastructure have
stimulated the development of new systems and methods to accelerate the construction of
highway bridges in order to reduce traveler delays. Precast concrete bridge components
offer a potential alternative to conventional reinforced, cast-in-place concrete
components. The increased use of precast concrete components could facilitate rapid
construction, minimize traffic disruption, improve work zone safety, reduce
environmental impacts, improve constructability, and lower life-cycle costs. .
This study compared two precast concrete bridge pier systems for rapid
construction of bridges in seismic regions. The systems made use of precast concrete
cap-beams and columns supported on cast-in-place concrete foundations. One was a
reinforced concrete system, in which mild steel deformed bars connected the precast
concrete components and provided the flexural strength of the columns. The other was a
hybrid system, which used a combination of unbonded post-tensioning and mild steel
deformed bars to make the connections and provide the required flexural stiffness and