Planning Land 3D Seismic Surveys

The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions from the staff members of Geophysical
Exploration & Development Corporation and Seismic Image Software Ltd., both of Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.
Several other individuals made significant contributions to this volume: in particular, Peter
Eick of Conoco, who added a lot of practical perspective (and photographs), Gijs J. O. Vermeer
of 3DSymSam, and Malcolm Lansley of Western Geophysical, who reviewed the text at an earlier
stage and had many suggestions, which, in part, have been incorporated.
We also thank the people who have taken our 3-D design courses and who have contributed
to this book through their numerous discussions with us. With their help, many aspects of 3-D
design became more clearly understood.
This book is intended to give readers the tools to
start designing 3-D seismic surveys. The substantial
experiences of the authors in designing and acquiring
land 3-D seismic surveys make this a practical book.
Readers are expected to have a general working
knowledge of 2-D seismic data acquisition, processing,
and interpretation.
Some 3-D experience is helpful
but not necessary to understand this material.
Practical exercises are
included to facilitate understanding
of the subject matter.