برنامج EfficientPIM Network 5.60 لمشاركة البيانات مع طاقم العمل ومتابعة الأداء

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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    وتحية طيبة للجميع

    برنامج EfficientPIM Network 5.60 لمشاركة البيانات مع طاقم العمل لتوفير الوقت والجهد وتطوير العمل

    متعدد اللغات من ضمنها العربية

    EfficientPIM Network is specially designed for small to medium workgroups to share data! The network edition has all features of pro version. Such as to-do lists, contacts, electronic diary, notes, passwords manager etc.
    Besides, with network edition, different users in your organization can access the same copy of data, to work in conjunction and improve work efficiency!
    All members can access the same copy of data to know the latest plan of your team. Besides, they can assign tasks or add new records to each other. Hence, your members can know their own tasks at the first sight of EfficientPIM and to finish them efficiently.
    Progress Tracking & Performance Management
    After completing a task, people can mark it with √. Or record the progress of it. So it is very easy for you to manage the performance of each member.
    Separate Calendar View
    Users can access to their own calendar view to check events and tasks in a better way
    Powerful Document Editor
    EfficientPIM Network has embedded a powerful document editor similar to MS-Word, which can be used to write your rules and regulations of your team, notes, remarks, and a variety of other documents.
    Easy to Search
    EfficientPIM Network has powerful search capabilities so you can quickly find your information.
    There is a Recycle Bin in this personal information management software, you do not need to be worried that you may delete some important information by mistake. The functions of Backup and Restore can help you conveniently save and migrate data.
    Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista

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