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برنامج XYFT Pro 10.2 لتصميم وبناء شجرة العائلة بمزايا متعددة
XY Family Tree is a fully featured family tree maker to record your ancestry. It allows unlimited numbers of spouses, children and associations. It takes a biological view of family structure and parentage while still allowing freedom to make changes if you need to show other arrangements. It has some unique features not found in other family tree programs. You might find your family history using online ancestry resources but you can keep your research private by using XY Family Tree on your PC. XY Family Tree can display all the types of media that your PC can handle. Photographs, videos, sound clips and links to web resources make it easy to show your family tree genealogy and bring your family history to life. Original genealogy sources are never found on a PC but a copy may be held on a PC and an index of the original sources can be recorded in XY Family Tree. Serious researchers will always need to verify an original source and can then use the same index and citations. XY Family Tree uses the knowledge of sources to illustrate your family by: linking people and sources linking people to people via sources linking sources to sources via people. You can research multiple families, each with their own folder, effectively placing no limit on the amount of information you can hold. You can search across all these family folders for common names and places or simply just words. Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10 -
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