Advanced Structural Analysis with MATLAB pdf

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    Srinivasan Chandrasekaran - Advanced Structural Analysis with MATLAB

    Advanced Structural Analysis with MATLAB

    Building structures are unique in the field of engineering, as they pose challenges in the development and conceptualization of their design. As more innovative structural forms are envisioned, detailed analyses using computer tools are inevitable. This book enables readers to gain an overall understanding of computer-aided analysis of various types of structural forms using advanced tools such as MATLAB. Detailed descriptions of the fundamentals are explained in a "classroom" style, which will make the content more user-friendly and easier to understand. Basic concepts are emphasized through simple illustrative examples and exercises, and analysis methodologies and guidelines are explained through numerous example problems.

    The analysis steps have been explained in a classroom style of teaching and the computer programs for MATLAB platform have been introduced in the form of examples. These computer programs cover matrix operation for a variety of structural forms and responses. The illustrative examples in the book enhance the understanding of the structural concepts stimulating interest in learning, creative thinking and design.

    CRC Press, 2019
    pdf, 521 pages, english
    ISBN 978-0-367-02645-5


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          thanks a lot

            Muchas gracias