Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics
Rock mechanics was defined by the Committee on Rock Mechanics of the
Geological Society of America in the following terms: “Rock mechanics is the
theoretical and applied science of the mechanical behavior of rock; it is that
branch of mechanics concerned with the response of rock to the force fields of
its physical environment” ( Judd, 1964). For practical purposes, rock mechanics
is mostly concerned with rock masses on the scale that appears in engineering
and mining work, and so it might be regarded as the study of the properties and
behavior of accessible rock masses due to changes in stresses or other conditions.
Since these rocks may be weathered or fragmented, rock mechanics grades at
one extreme into soil mechanics. On the other hand, at depths at which the
rocks are no longer accessible to mining or drilling, it grades into the mechanical
aspects of structural geology (Pollard and Fletcher, 2005).