Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structure

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structure


    J. A. GafTney, CBE, DSc, FEng

    Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers

    Few subjects in recent years have raised the general interest and imagination of

    the Civil Engineering profession as the concept of reinforcing soil. The basic

    simplicity of the principles and the economic benefits which may be gained are

    very attractive to the designer constrained by economic problems, while the

    possibility of producing alternative and innovative structural concepts gives

    scope to the engineer's imagination.

    In some areas, developments in the use of earth reinforcement and soil

    structures has been dramatic; elsewhere, use has been modest; nowhere has the

    subject been ignored. Although academic treatment has been intense, the

    driving force and major developments have come from the original practitioners,

    government research bodies and the material suppliers, who have

    skilfully developed and marketed the benefits of earth reinforcement.

    Acceptance and general application and use of any technique require

    comprehensive specifications, workable technical standards and reference

    examples. In the field of earth reinforcement, these technical specifications

    have been provided and the subject is recognized as an important and rapidly

    expanding field. The rate of growth has resulted inevitably in a demand for

    information on the subject. This textbook is aimed at bridging this information


    The book provides a general treatment of the subject of reinforced soil; it is

    not exhaustive and is aimed at the practising engineer and the post graduate

    student. Although the book covers the theoretical elements in some depth, the

    main emphasis is with the practical aspects of the subject in that the subjects of

    analysis, economics, construction details, materials and durability are considered

    in greater depth than is usual with textbooks.

