Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols


    The twenty-first century is the time of excitement and optimism for biomedical research.

    Since the completion of the human genome project in 2001, we are entering into the

    postgenome era where the key research efforts are now interpreting and making sense of

    these massive genomic data, in order to translate into disease treatment and management.

    Over the past decade, DNA-based microarrays have been the assays of choice for highthroughput

    studies of gene expression. Microarray-based expression profiling was

    provided, for the first time, by means of monitoring genome-wide gene expression changes

    in a single experiment. Though microarray technology has been widely employed to reveal

    molecular portraits of gene expression in various cancers’ subtypes and correlations with

    disease progression as well as response to drug treatments, it is not limited to measure gene

    expression. As the technology became established in early 2000, researchers began to use

    microarrays to measure other important biological phenomena. For example, (1) Microarrays

    are being used to genotype single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by hybridizing

    the DNA of individuals to arrays of oligonucleotides representing different polymorphic

    alleles. The SNP microarray has accelerated genome-wide association studies over the last 5

    years, and many loci that are associated with diseases have been discovered and validated.

    Similarly, another innovative application of the SNP microarray is to interrogate allelespecific

    expression for identifying disease-associated genes. (2) Array-comparative genomic

    hybridization (aCGH) is being used to detect genomic structural variations, such as

    segments of the genome that have varying numbers of copies in different individuals. (3)

    Epigenetic modifications such as methylation at CpG sites can also be assessed by microarray.

    (4) Using ChIP-chip assay, genome-wide protein–DNA interactions and chromatin

    modifications can be profiled by microarrays. (5) More recently, microarray has been used

    to measure genome-wide microRNA expression patterns to reveal the regulatory role of

    these noncoding RNAs in disease states. Obviously, the progress of microarray applications

    is tightly associated with the development of novel computational and statistical methods

    to analyze and interpret these data sets.

    Recent improvements in the efficiency, quality, and cost of genome-wide sequencing

    have prompted biologists and biomedical researchers to move away from microarray-based

    technology to ultrahigh-throughput, massively parallel genomic sequencing (Next Generation

    Sequencing, NGS) technology. NGS technology opens up new research avenues for

    the investigation of a wide range of biological and medical questions across the entire

    genome at single base resolution; for example, sequencing of several human genomes,

    monitoring of genome-wide transcription levels (RNA-seq), understanding of epigenetic

    phenomena, DNA–protein interactions (ChIP-seq), and de novo sequencing of several

    genomes. Despite the differences in the underlying sequencing technologies of various

    NGS machines, the common output from them are the capability to generate tens of

    millions of short reads (tags) from each experimental run. Thus, NGS technology shifts the

    bottleneck in sequencing processes from experimental data production to computationally

    intensive informatics-based data analysis. As in the early days of microarray data analysis,

    novel computational and statistical methods tailored to NGS are urgently needed for

    drawing meaningful and accurate conclusions from the massive short reads. Furthermore,

    it is expected that NGS technology may eventually replace microarray technology in the

    next decade, which will grow from a pioneering method applied by innovators at the

    cutting edge research to a ubiquitous technique that will allow researchers to investigate

    “big-picture” questions in biology at much higher resolution.

    This book, Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics, is our attempt to bring

    together current computational and statistical methods in analyzing and interpreting

    both microarray and NGS data. Here, we have compiled and edited 26 chapters that

    cover a wide range of methodological and application topics in microarray and NGS

    bioinformatics. These chapters are organized into five thematic sections: (1) Resources

    for Microarray Bioinformatics; (2) Microarray Data Analysis; (3) Microarray Bioinformatics

    in Systems Biology; (4) Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis; and (5) Emerging

    Applications of Microarray and Next Generation Sequencing. Each chapter is a selfcontained

    review of a specific methodological or application topic. Every chapter typically

    starts with a brief review of a particular subject, then describes in detail the computational

    and statistical techniques used to solve the biological questions, and finally discusses the

    computational results generated by these bioinformatics tools. Therefore, the reader need

    not read the chapters in a sequential manner. We expect this book would be a valuable

    methodological resource not only to molecular biologists and computational biologists

    who are interested in understanding the principle of these methods and designing future

    research project, but also to computer scientists and statisticians who work in a microarray

    core facility or other similar organizations that provide service for the high-throughput

    experiment community.

    Recent improvements in the efficiency, quality, and cost of genome-wide sequencing have prompted biologists and biomedical researchers to move away from microarray-based technology to ultra high-throughput, massively parallel genomic sequencing (Next Generation Sequencing, NGS) technology. In Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field provide techniques to bring together current computational and statistical methods to analyze and interpreting both microarray and NGS data. These methods and techniques include resources for microarray bioinformatics, microarray data analysis, microarray bioinformatics in systems biology, next generation sequencing data analysis, and emerging applications of microarray and next generation sequencing. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, the chapters include the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results in the laboratory. Authoritative and practical, Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols seeks to aid scientists in the further study of this crucially important research into the human DNA.

    2012 -- 417 Pages -- ISBN: 161779399X -- PDF -- 8.64 MB


