Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB based Applications

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB based Applications - John L. Semmlow


    Signal processing can be broadly defined as the application of analog or digital

    techniques to improve the utility of a data stream. In biomedical engineering

    applications, improved utility usually means the data provide better diagnostic

    information. Analog techniques are applied to a data stream embodied as a timevarying

    electrical signal while in the digital domain the data are represented as

    an array of numbers. This array could be the digital representation of a timevarying

    signal, or an image. This text deals exclusively with signal processing

    of digital data, although Chapter 1 briefly describes analog processes commonly

    found in medical devices.

    This text should be of interest to a broad spectrum of engineers, but it

    is written specifically for biomedical engineers (also known as bioengineers).

    Although the applications are different, the signal processing methodology used

    by biomedical engineers is identical to that used by other engineers such electrical

    and communications engineers. The major difference for biomedical engineers

    is in the level of understanding required for appropriate use of this technology.

    An electrical engineer may be required to expand or modify signal

    processing tools, while for biomedical engineers, signal processing techniques

    are tools to be used. For the biomedical engineer, a detailed understanding of

    the underlying theory, while always of value, may not be essential. Moreover,

    considering the broad range of knowledge required to be effective in this field,

    encompassing both medical and engineering domains, an in-depth understanding

    of all of the useful technology is not realistic. It is important is to know what

    tools are available, have a good understanding of what they do (if not how they

    do it), be aware of the most likely pitfalls and misapplications, and know how

    to implement these tools given available software packages. The basic concept

    of this text is that, just as the cardiologist can benefit from an oscilloscope-type

    display of the ECG without a deep understanding of electronics, so a biomedical

    engineer can benefit from advanced signal processing tools without always understanding

    the details of the underlying mathematics.

    As a reflection of this philosophy, most of the concepts covered in this

    text are presented in two sections. The first part provides a broad, general understanding

    of the approach sufficient to allow intelligent application of the concepts.

    The second part describes how these tools can be implemented and relies

    primarily on the MATLAB software package and several of its toolboxes.

    This text is written for a single-semester course combining signal and

    image processing. Classroom experience using notes from this text indicates

    that this ambitious objective is possible for most graduate formats, although

    eliminating a few topics may be desirable. For example, some of the introductory

    or basic material covered in Chapters 1 and 2 could be skipped or treated

    lightly for students with the appropriate prerequisites. In addition, topics such

    as advanced spectral methods (Chapter 5), time-frequency analysis (Chapter 6),

    wavelets (Chapter 7), advanced filters (Chapter 8), and multivariate analysis (Chapter 9)

    are pedagogically independent and can be covered as desired without affecting the other material.


