Applied Meta-Analysis with R

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Applied Meta-Analysis with R


    In Chapter 8 of our previous book (Chen and Peace, 2010), we brie

    y introduced

    meta-analysis using R. Since then, we have been encouraged to develop

    an entire book on meta-analyses using R that would include a wide variety of

    applications -- which is the theme of this book.

    In this book we provide a thorough presentation of meta-analysis with

    detailed step-by-step illustrations on their implementation using R. In each

    chapter, examples of real studies compiled from the literature and scientic

    publications are presented. After presenting the data and sucient background

    to permit understanding of the application, various meta-analysis methods

    appropriate for analyzing data are identied. Then analysis code is developed

    using appropriate R packages and functions to meta-analyze the data. Analysis

    code development and results are presented in a stepwise fashion. This stepwise

    approach should enable readers to follow the logic and gain an understanding

    of the analysis methods and the R implementation so that they may use R

    and the steps in this book to analyze their own meta-data.

    Based on their experience in biostatistical research and teaching biostatistical

    meta-analysis, the authors understand that there are gaps between

    developed statistical methods and applications of statistical methods by students

    and practitioners. This book is intended to ll this gap by illustrating

    the implementation of statistical meta-analysis methods using R applied to

    real data following a step-by-step presentation style.

    With this style, the book is suitable as a text for a course in meta-data

    analysis at the graduate level (Master's or Doctorate's), particularly for students

    seeking degrees in statistics or biostatistics. In addition, the book should

    be a valuable reference for self-study and a learning tool for practitioners and

    biostatisticians in public health, medical research universities, governmental

    agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, particularly those with little or no

    experience in using R.

    R has become widely used in statistical modeling and computing since its

    creation in the mid 1990s and it is now an integrated and essential software

    for statistical analyses. Becoming familiar with R is then imperative for the

    next generation of statistical data analysts. In Chapter 1, we present a basic

    introduction to the R system, where to get R, how to install R and how to

    upgrade R packages. Readers who are already familiar with R may skip this

    chapter and go directly to any of the remaining chapters.

    In Chapter 2, we provide an overview of the research protocols for metaanalysis.

    In Chapter 3, we provide an overall introduction to meta-analysis

    for both xed-eects and random-eects models in meta-analysis. Two real

    datasets are introduced along with two commonly used R packages of meta

    and rmeta.

    In Chapters 4 and 5, we present meta-analysis for specic data types. In

    Chapter 4, we consider meta-analysis with binary data. We begin this chapter

    with two real Datasets. The rst is a meta-analysis of \Statin Clinical Trials"

    to compare intensive statin therapy to moderate statin therapy in the

    reduction of cardiovascular outcomes. The second is a meta-analysis of ve

    studies on Lamotrigine for the treatment of bipolar depression. In Chapter 5,

    we consider meta-analysis for continuous data. Similarly to Chapter 4, we introduce

    two published datasets. The rst dataset uses 6 studies on the impact

    of intervention. The second dataset is of studies from the literature comparing

    tubeless to standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

    In biostatistical research and courses, practitioners and students often lack a thorough understanding of how to apply statistical methods to synthesize biomedical and clinical trial data.

    Filling this knowledge gap, Applied Meta-Analysis with R shows how to implement statistical meta-analysis methods to real data using R.

    2013 -- ISBN: 1466505990 -- English -- 342 pages -- PDF -- 3.25 MB


