Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation - Nor

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation - Northrop


    Reader Background

    This text is intended for use in a classr

    oom course on analysis and application

    of analog electronic circuits in biomedical engineering taken by junior or

    senior undergraduate students specializing in biomedical engineering. It will

    also serve as a reference book for biophysics and medical students interested

    in the topics. Readers are assumed to have had introductory core courses

    up to the junior level in engineering mathematics, including complex algebra,

    calculus, and introductory differential equations. They also should have taken

    an introductory course in electronic circuits and devices. As a result of

    taking these courses, readers should be familiar with systems block diagrams

    and the concepts of frequency response and transfer functions; they should

    be able to solve simple linear ordinary differential equations and perform

    basic manipulations in linear algebra. It is also important to have an

    understanding of the working principles of the various basic solid-state

    devices (diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field-effect

    transistors) used in electronic circuits in biomedical applications.


    The inter

    disciplinary field of biomedical engineering is demanding in that

    it requires its followers to know and master not only certain engineering

    skills (electronics, materials, mechanical, photonic), but also a diversity of

    material in the biological sciences (anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology,

    genomics, physiology, etc.). This text was written to aid undergraduate biomedical

    engineering students by helping them to understand the basic analog electronic

    circuits used in signal conditioning in biomedical instrumentation. Because many

    bioelectric signals are in the microvolt range, noise from electrodes, amplifiers, and the

    environment is often significant compared to the signal level. This text introduces

    the basic mathematical tools used to describe noise and how it propagates through

    linear systems. It also describes at a basic level how signal-to-noise ratio can be improved

    by signal averaging and linear filtering.


