Neutron Scattering in Biology - Fitter Gutberlet and Katsaras

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Neutron Scattering in Biology - Fitter Gutberlet and Katsaras


    “Certainly no subject or field is making more progress on so many fronts at

    the present moment, than biology, and if we were to name the most powerful

    assumption of all, which leads one on and on in an attempt to understand

    life, it is that all things are made of atoms, and that everything that living

    things do can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wigglings of atoms.”

    Richard P. Feynmann, from “Six easy pieces” (1963)

    In 1932, James Chadwick discovered the neutron, but initially the only sources

    of neutrons were from the radioactive decay of unstable nuclei. It was not until

    1942 when Enrico Fermi constructed the first nuclear reactor in the squash

    courts beneath the University of Chicago’s Stagg Field, that a controlled and

    sustained nuclear chain reaction was achieved. After World War II, nuclear

    reactors became available for civilian research, and in 1945 Ernest Wollan set

    up a double-crystal diffractometer at ORNL’s Graphite Reactor. This marks

    the beginning of neutron scattering.

    Neutrons produced by present reactor- and accelerator-based sources,

    typically have wavelengths in the order of


    Angstroms, and hence are well-

    suited for probing the structures and motions of molecules. For biological

    materials rich in hydrogen, the large difference in scattering cross-sections

    between hydrogen and deuterium provides the possibility of contrast variation,

    a powerful method achieved by selective deuteration for emphasizing,

    or not, the scattering from a particular portion of a molecule or molecular

    assembly. Using a variety of scattering methods, the structures and dynamics

    of biological systems can be determined.

    of biological systems can be determined.

    The present compilation aims to provide the reader with some of the

    important applications of neutron scattering in structural biology, biophysics,

    and systems relevant to biology.

    The location of hydrogen atoms in biomolecules such as, proteins,

    is – despite the high brilliance and power of third generation synchrotron

    sources – not readily available by X-ray crystallography or related physical

    techniques. In the case of hydrogens attached to electronegative atoms (e.g.,

    O and N), even high resolution X-ray structures (resolution
    unequivocally locate these H atoms. On the other hand, these atoms can

    effectively be located using high resolution crystallographic neutron diffraction

    methods. Radiation damage leading to changes in metal oxidation state

    and subsequent loss of hydrogens can also pose a problem with X-rays, but not

    so with neutrons. When good quality, large (>1mm

    ) single crystals cannot

    be obtained, low resolution neutron diffraction offers an alternative technique

    in determining the hydrated structure of macromolecules and their various

    hydrogen-bonding patterns. 3˚ A) cannot


