Molecular and Cellular Signaling - Martin Beckerman

Series Preface
The fields of biological and medical physics and biomedical engineering are
broad, multidisciplinary, and dynamic. They lie at the crossroads of frontier
research in physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine. The Biological and
Medical Physics/Biomedical Engineering series is intended to be comprehensive,
covering a broad range of topics important to the study of the
physical, chemical, and biological sciences. Its goal is to provide scientists
and engineers with textbooks, monographs, and reference works to address
the growing need for information.
Books in the series emphasize established and emergent areas of science
including molecular, membrane, and mathematical biophysics; photosynthetic
energy harvesting and conversion;
information processing; physical
principles of genetics; sensory communications; and automata networks,
neural networks, and cellular automata. Equally important will be coverage
of applied aspects of biological and medical physics and biomedical engineering,
such as molecular electronic components and devices, biosensors,
medicine, imaging, physical principles of renewable energy production,
advanced prostheses, and environmental control and engineering.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Elias Greenbaum
Series Editor-in-Chief
This text provides an introduction to molecular and cellular signaling
in biological systems. Cells partition their core cellular processes into a fixed
infrastructure and a control layer. Proteins in the control layer, the subject
of this textbook, function as signals, as receptors of the signals, as transcription
factors that turn genes on and off,
and as signaling transducers and
intermediaries. The signaling and regulatory proteins and associated small
molecules make contact with the fixed infrastructure responsible for metabolism,
growth, replication, and reproduction at well-defined control points,
where the signals are converted into cellular responses.
The text is aimed at a broad audience of students and other individuals
interested in furthering their understanding of how cells regulate and coordinate
their core activities.
Malfunction in the control layer is responsible
for a host of human disorders ranging from neurological disorders to
cancers. Most drugs target components in the control layer, and difficulties
in drug design are intimately related to the architecture of the control layer.
The text will assist students and individuals in medicine and pharmacology
interested in broadening their understanding of how the control layer
works. To further that goal, there are chapters on cancers and apoptosis,
and on bacteria and viruses. In those chapters not specifically devoted to
pathogens, connections between diseases, drugs, and signaling are made.
The target audience for this text includes students in chemistry, physics,
and computer science who intend to work in biological and medical physics,
and bioinformatics and systems biology.To assist them, the textbook includes
a fair amount of background information on the main points of these areas.
The first five chapters of the book are mainly background and review
chapters. Signaling in the immune, endocrine (hormonal), and nervous
systems is covered, along with cancer, apoptosis, and gene regulation.
Biological systems are stunningly well engineered. Proof of this is all
around us. It can be seen in the sheer variety of life on Earth, all built pretty
much from the same building blocks and according to the same assembly
rules, but arranged in myriad different ways. It can be seen in the relatively
modest sizes of the genomes of even the most complex organisms, such as
ourselves. The genomes of worms, flies, mice, and humans are
roughly comparable, and only a factor of two or three larger than those of some
bacteria. The good engineering of biological systems is exemplified by the
above-mentioned partition of cellular processes into the fixed infrastructure
and the control layer.
This makes possible machinery that always works
the same way in any cell at any time, and whose interactions can be exactly
known, while allowing for the machinery’s regulation by the variable
control layer at well-defined control points.

Series Preface
The fields of biological and medical physics and biomedical engineering are
broad, multidisciplinary, and dynamic. They lie at the crossroads of frontier
research in physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine. The Biological and
Medical Physics/Biomedical Engineering series is intended to be comprehensive,
covering a broad range of topics important to the study of the
physical, chemical, and biological sciences. Its goal is to provide scientists
and engineers with textbooks, monographs, and reference works to address
the growing need for information.
Books in the series emphasize established and emergent areas of science
including molecular, membrane, and mathematical biophysics; photosynthetic
energy harvesting and conversion;
information processing; physical
principles of genetics; sensory communications; and automata networks,
neural networks, and cellular automata. Equally important will be coverage
of applied aspects of biological and medical physics and biomedical engineering,
such as molecular electronic components and devices, biosensors,
medicine, imaging, physical principles of renewable energy production,
advanced prostheses, and environmental control and engineering.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Elias Greenbaum
Series Editor-in-Chief
This text provides an introduction to molecular and cellular signaling
in biological systems. Cells partition their core cellular processes into a fixed
infrastructure and a control layer. Proteins in the control layer, the subject
of this textbook, function as signals, as receptors of the signals, as transcription
factors that turn genes on and off,
and as signaling transducers and
intermediaries. The signaling and regulatory proteins and associated small
molecules make contact with the fixed infrastructure responsible for metabolism,
growth, replication, and reproduction at well-defined control points,
where the signals are converted into cellular responses.
The text is aimed at a broad audience of students and other individuals
interested in furthering their understanding of how cells regulate and coordinate
their core activities.
Malfunction in the control layer is responsible
for a host of human disorders ranging from neurological disorders to
cancers. Most drugs target components in the control layer, and difficulties
in drug design are intimately related to the architecture of the control layer.
The text will assist students and individuals in medicine and pharmacology
interested in broadening their understanding of how the control layer
works. To further that goal, there are chapters on cancers and apoptosis,
and on bacteria and viruses. In those chapters not specifically devoted to
pathogens, connections between diseases, drugs, and signaling are made.
The target audience for this text includes students in chemistry, physics,
and computer science who intend to work in biological and medical physics,
and bioinformatics and systems biology.To assist them, the textbook includes
a fair amount of background information on the main points of these areas.
The first five chapters of the book are mainly background and review
chapters. Signaling in the immune, endocrine (hormonal), and nervous
systems is covered, along with cancer, apoptosis, and gene regulation.
Biological systems are stunningly well engineered. Proof of this is all
around us. It can be seen in the sheer variety of life on Earth, all built pretty
much from the same building blocks and according to the same assembly
rules, but arranged in myriad different ways. It can be seen in the relatively
modest sizes of the genomes of even the most complex organisms, such as
ourselves. The genomes of worms, flies, mice, and humans are
roughly comparable, and only a factor of two or three larger than those of some
bacteria. The good engineering of biological systems is exemplified by the
above-mentioned partition of cellular processes into the fixed infrastructure
and the control layer.
This makes possible machinery that always works
the same way in any cell at any time, and whose interactions can be exactly
known, while allowing for the machinery’s regulation by the variable
control layer at well-defined control points.