Micro-Nano Technology for Genomics and Proteomics BioMEMs - Ozkan

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Micro-Nano Technology for Genomics and Proteomics BioMEMs - Ozkan


    Numerous miniaturized DNA microarray, DNA chip, Lab on a Chip and biosensor devices

    have been developed and commercialized. Such devices are improving the way many important

    genomic and proteomic analyses are performed in both research and clinical diagnostic

    laboratories. The development of these technologies was enabled by a synergistic combination

    of disciplines that include microfabrication, microfluidics, MEMS, organic chemistry

    and molecular biology. Some of these newdevices and technologies utilize sophisticated microfabrication

    processes developed by the semiconductor industry. Microarrays with large

    numbers of test sites have been developed which employ photolithography combinatorial

    synthesis techniques or ink jet type printing deposition methods to produce high-density

    DNA microarrays. Other microarray technologies have incorporated microelectrodes to

    produce electric fields which are able to affect the transport and hybridization of DNA

    molecules on the surface of the device. As remarkable as this generation of devices and

    technological appears, the advent of new nanoscience and nanofabrication techniques will

    lead to even further miniaturization, higher integration and another generation of devices

    with higher performance properties. Thus, in some sense these devices and systems will

    follow a similar evolution as did microelectronics in going from 8 bit, to 16 bit to 32 bit

    technology. Where feature sizes for integrated components of microelectronic devices is

    now well into the submicron scale, nanoscale biodevices will soon follow. Likewise, the potential

    applications for this newgeneration of micro/nanoarray, lab on a chip and nanosensor

    devices is also broadening into areas of whole genome sequencing, biowarfare agent detection,

    and remote environmental sensing and monitoring. Today the possibility of making

    highly sophisticated smart micro/nano scale in-vivo diagnostic and therapeutic delivery

    devices is being seriously considered.

    Nevertheless, considerable problems do exist. Unfortunately, many applications for

    these bioresearch or biomedically related devices do not have the large consumer markets

    that will drive and fund their development. The economic forces which drive the development

    of high volume retail consumer microelectronic and optoelectonic devices (such

    as computers, cell phones, digital cameras, and fiber optic communications), are not there

    for most bioresearch or biomedical devices. Thus, it is very common to see so-called

    “good” technologies in the bioresearch and biomedical device area fail somewhere along

    the arduous path to commercialization. This is particularly true for any biomedical device

    or system which has to go through the regulatory process. Frequently, the problem relates to

    the inability to economically manufacture a viable device for commercialization as opposed

    to a working prototype device. Thus, a key aspect for achieving final success for our new

    generation of bioresearch and biomedical micro/nano biodevices will be the corresponding

    development of both viable and efficient nanofabrication and micro/nano integration


    The Volume II: Micro/Nano Technologies for Genomics and Proteomics presents a

    wide range of exciting new science and technology, and includes key sections on DNA

    micro/nanoarrays which additional chapters on peptide arrays for proteomics and drug

    discovery, new dielectrophoretic cell separation systems and new nanofabrication and integration

    processes; advanced microfluidic devices for the human genome project (whole

    genome sequencing); and final section on nanoprobes for imaging and sensing. Overall this

    volume should be of considerable value for a wide range of multidisciplinary scientists

    and engineers who are either working in or interested in bionanotechnology and the next

    generation of micro/nano biomedical and clinical diagnostic devices.


