Microarray Technology and Its Applications - U.R. Muller & D.V. Nicolau

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Microarray Technology and Its Applications - U.R. Muller & D.V. Nicolau


    It has been stated that our knowledge doubles every 20 years, but that may be

    an understatement when considering the Life Sciences. A series of discoveries

    and inventions have propelled our knowledge from the recognition that DNA

    is the genetic material to a basic molecular understanding of ourselves and the

    living world around us in less than 50 years. Crucial to this rapid progress was

    the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA, which laid the foundation

    for all hybridization based technologies. The discoveries of restriction enzymes,

    ligases, polymerases, combined with key innovations in DNA synthesis and

    sequencing ushered in the era of biotechnology as a new science with profound

    sociological and economic implications that are likely to have a dominating

    influence on the development of our society during this century. Given the

    process by which science builds on prior knowledge, it is perhaps unfair to

    single out a few inventions and credit them with having contributed most to

    this avalanche of knowledge. Yet, there are surely some that will be recognized

    as having had a more profound impact than others, not just in the furthering

    of our scientific knowledge, but by leveraging commercial applications that

    provide a tangible return to our society.

    The now famous Polymerase Chain Reaction, or PCR, is surely one of

    those, as it has uniquely catalyzed molecular biology during the past 20 years,

    and continues to have a significant impact on all areas that involve nucleic

    acids, ranging from molecular pathology to forensics. Ten years ago microarray

    technology emerged as a new and powerful tool to study nucleic acid sequences

    in a highly multiplexed manner, and has since found equally exciting

    and useful applications in the study of proteins, metabolites, toxins, viruses,

    whole cells and even tissues. Although still relatively early in its evolution,

    microarray technology has already superseded PCR technology not only in the

    breadth of applications, but also in the speed with which this evolution has

    taken place. Note that the literature dealing with microarrays has increased

    dramatically from its humble beginnings in the mid-nineties to reach more

    than 2000 articles and almost 300 reviews in 2004 alone (Fig 1). Although a

    saturation point may have been reached - not surprisingly given that there is

    still a limit to the number of laboratories that have access to this technologyits

    impact is truly remarkable, especially when compared, for example, to the

    emerging and much touted field of Nanotechnology.


