Genomics and Proteomics Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Metin Akay

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    Genomics and Proteomics Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Metin Akay

    The biological sciences have become more quantitative and information-driven

    since emerging computational and mathematical tools facilitate collection and

    analysis of vast amounts of biological data. Complexity analysis of biological

    systems provides biological knowledge for the organization, management, and

    mining of biological data by using advanced computational tools. The biological

    data are inherently complex, nonuniform, and collected at multiple temporal and

    spatial scales. The investigations of complex biological systems and processes

    require an extensive collaboration among biologists, mathematicians, computer

    scientists, and engineers to improve our understanding of complex biological

    process from gene to system. Lectures in the summer school expose attendees to

    the latest developments in these emerging computational technologies and facilitate

    rapid diffusion of these mathematical and computational tools in the biological

    sciences. These computational tools have become powerful tools for the study of

    complex biological systems and signals and can be used for characterizing variability

    and uncertainty of biological signals across scales of space and time since the

    biological signals are direct indicators of the biological state of the corresponding

    cells or organs in the body.

    The integration and application of mathematics, engineering, physics and computer

    science have been recently used to better understand the complex biological

    systems by examining the structure and dynamics of cell and organ functions.

    This emerging field called “Genomics and Proteomics Engineering” has gained

    tremendous interest among molecular and cellular researchers since it provides a

    continuous spectrum of knowledge. However, this emerging technology has not

    been adequately presented to biological and bioengineering researchers. For this

    reason, an increasing demand can be found for interdisciplinary interactions

    among biologists, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists and medical

    researchers in these emerging technologies to provide the impetus to understand

    and develop reliable quantitative answers to the major integrative biological and

    biomedical challenges.

    The main objective of this edited book is to provide information for biological

    science and biomedical engineering students and researchers in genomics and proteomics

    sciences and systems biology. Although an understanding of genes and

    proteins are important, the focus is on understanding a system’s structure and

    dynamics of several gene regulatory networks and their biochemical interactions.

    System-level understanding of biology is derived using mathematical and engineering

    methods to understand complex biological processes. It exposes readers with

    biology background to the latest developments in proteomics and genomics engineering.

    It also addresses the needs of both students and postdoctoral fellows in computer

    science and mathematics who are interested in doing research in biology and

    bioengineering since the book provides exceptional insights into the fundamental

    challenges in biology.

    I am grateful to Jeanne Audino of the IEEE Press and Lisa Van Horn of Wiley for

    their help during the editing of this book. Working in concert with them and the contributors

    really helped me with content development and to manage the peer-review


    Finally, many thanks to my wife, Dr. Yasemin M. Akay, and our son, Altug R.

    Akay, for their support, encouragement, and patience. They have been my driving

    source. I also thank Jeremy Romain for his help in rearranging the chapters and

    getting the permission forms from the contributors.

    Tempe, Arizona

    September 2006


