Environmental Biotechnology - Jordening and Winter

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  • Saadedin
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    Environmental Biotechnology - Jordening and Winter


    Josef Winter, Claudia Gallert, Universitنt Karlsruhe, Germany

    Hans-Joachim Jِrdening, Technische Universitنt Braunschweig, Deutschland

    The growing awareness of environmental problems, caused especially by the predominate

    use of fossil resources in connection with pure chemical pathways of production,

    has led the focus on those alternatives, which sounds environmentally


    friendly. Here, biotechnology has the chance to influence and improve the


    of the environment and production standards by:

    introduction of renewable instead of fossil raw materials

    – controlled production of very specific biocatalysts for the

    – development of new and environmentally improved production technologies with

    less purified substrates and generation of fewer by-products – bioproducts as non-toxic matters, mostly recyclable.

    Some impressive studies on industrial applications of biotechnology are published

    in two OECD reports, which summarized, that biotechnology has the potential of a

    reduction of operational and/or capital cost for the realization of more sustainable

    processes (OECD1, OECD2). However, until today the sustainability of technical

    processes is more the exception than the rule and therefore so-called “End-of-Pipe”technologies

    are absolutely necessary for the treatment of production residues.

    In 1972 the Club of Rome published its study “Limits of Growth” and prognosted

    an upcoming shortage of energy and primary resources as a consequence of exponential

    growth of population and industry (Meadows et al. 1972). Although the


    prognoses of Dennis Meadows and his research team have not been fulfilled,

    the qualitative statements are today well accepted. Aside of a shortage of resources

    for production of commodities the limits for an ecologically and economically

    compatible disposal of production residues and stabilized wastes have to be


    and more taken into consideration. The limits for disposal of solid and liquid


    in soil and water or of waste gases in the atmosphere are a major issue,


    soil, water and air are no longer able to absorb/adsorb these emissions without


    consequences for ecology and life in general. The ultimate oxidation product

    of organic residues by incineration or – more smooth – by biological respiration

    inaquatic or terrestric environment led to a significant increase of the carbon

    diox-ide content of the atmosphere in the last centuries and thus influences the overall

    climate. This increase is abundantly attributed to combustion of fossil fuels by traffic

    and of fossil fuels and coal for industrial production processes and house heating.

    Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from incineration

    of fossil energy sources and from decomposition of organic matter are the main


    for the greenhouse effect.


