Perfect PDF & Print Multilingual

OCR, Scan, Edit, Convert PDF, PowerPoint, XLS and DOC

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Perfect PDF & Print Multilingual

    الوظائف الأساسية للتطبيق الكل في واحد Perfect PDF® & Print ، على سبيل المثال إنشاء PDF في كل برنامج مع وظيفة الطباعة ، والتكامل في تطبيقات Microsoft الشائعة وتحرير مستندات PDF الحالية لا تزال متاحة - ولكن أقوى بكثير من قبل. قم بتعليق ملفات PDF الخاصة بك وتصميم المستندات وإنشاء نماذج معقدة وتوقيع ملفات PDF والاستفادة من ميزات وخصائص PDF المختلفة. يسمح تبديل اللغة بالاختيار من بين أربع لغات (الألمانية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والإيطالية). يتيح Perfect PDF® & Print 10 إنشاء PDF ، وتوفيره في المكتب أو المنزل ، وهو حل جيد للمبتدئين في PDF والمستخدمين المحترفين على حد سواء.

    The core functions of the all-in-one application Perfect PDF® & Print, for example the PDF creation in each program with print functionality, the integration into common Microsoft applications and editing of existing PDF documents are still available – but much more powerful than ever. Annotate your PDFs, design document layouts, create complex forms, sign PDFs and make use of various PDF features and properties. The language switching permits to select from four languages (German, English, French and Italian). Perfect PDF® & Print 10 allows timesaving PDF creation, in the office or at home, and is a good solution for PDF beginners and for professional users alike.

    Perfect PDF:
    Integration in other software packages. Import of meta data out of Microsoft Office documents: links, form fields, bookmarks, comments.
    Conversion in different formats: XPS, images, PDF/A-1, -2, -3, export text files, and many more.
    Fully adequate PDF editor – edit and format complete document contents : texts, images, vector graphics. Create new PDF-documents
    Own image processing: image editor for raster images
    Merge and split PDF files
    Comments, water marks, interactive PDF forms, digital signatures
    Text search and advanced search, search files, replace texts
    Direct import from TWAIN compliant scanner and webcams
    Tools and addins: OCR text recognition, compare PDF files
    Additional functions: PDF portfolio, levels, named destinations, JavaScript

    Perfect Print:
    Import and edit documents (PDF, texts, images, scanner, webcam)
    Merge various print jobs in one document
    Predefined layouts: rearrange and redesign pages, album, user-defined layout, brochure, poster and multi-section layouts
    Edit layouts: set edges, amount of pages per sheet, background, levels, view and modify the positioning of individuals pages
    Advanced printer functionality: save printer jobs for future use, print with selected layout, adjust the pint quality, and many more
    Create PDFs & additional functions

