Dynamics of the Vascular System - John K.J. Li

This book is the first volume of the Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Book Series. As the Series Editor, and to set a good
example, I have taken the task of writing yet another book on the cardiovascular system.
The contents of this book extends from "Arterial System Dynamics",
my first book published some fifteen years ago, to distinctly different regimes of the microcirculation and the venous system, as well as the assisted circulation.
The vascular system is indeed so vast, that a binocular vision is often needed to unravel the mystery of the many concurrent interactions
occurring at different sites of the vascular tree. This becomes more challenging with the imposition of studying its dynamic phenomena.
"The Dynamics of the Vascular System" is written employing mathematical techniques to formulate the physical principles involved in the structural and functional correlates of the underlying physiology. The intriguing control and geometric perspectives are also included wherever possible. The book also serves as a companion text to "The Arterial Circulation: Physical Principles and Clinical Applications".
Selected topics and references are provided, so that I and the readers are not overwhelmed by the otherwise exhaustive presentations of the many observed phenomena and the subsequent diverse interpretations of their origins and mechanisms.
I hope professionals and students in the field of bioengineering and biomedical engineering, biomathematics, biophysics, cardiovascular
physiology and medicine will find this book a relevant source of reference. Much of the work is the culmination of my three decades of
learning, experimenting and investigation. I am aware that there are other works of notable items and newer advances which I have not yet
included in this book. I will continue to learn more of them. Finally, I
like to thank those who have contributed to the completion of this book,
especially Dr. Ying Zhu.

This book is the first volume of the Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Book Series. As the Series Editor, and to set a good
example, I have taken the task of writing yet another book on the cardiovascular system.
The contents of this book extends from "Arterial System Dynamics",
my first book published some fifteen years ago, to distinctly different regimes of the microcirculation and the venous system, as well as the assisted circulation.
The vascular system is indeed so vast, that a binocular vision is often needed to unravel the mystery of the many concurrent interactions
occurring at different sites of the vascular tree. This becomes more challenging with the imposition of studying its dynamic phenomena.
"The Dynamics of the Vascular System" is written employing mathematical techniques to formulate the physical principles involved in the structural and functional correlates of the underlying physiology. The intriguing control and geometric perspectives are also included wherever possible. The book also serves as a companion text to "The Arterial Circulation: Physical Principles and Clinical Applications".
Selected topics and references are provided, so that I and the readers are not overwhelmed by the otherwise exhaustive presentations of the many observed phenomena and the subsequent diverse interpretations of their origins and mechanisms.
I hope professionals and students in the field of bioengineering and biomedical engineering, biomathematics, biophysics, cardiovascular
physiology and medicine will find this book a relevant source of reference. Much of the work is the culmination of my three decades of
learning, experimenting and investigation. I am aware that there are other works of notable items and newer advances which I have not yet
included in this book. I will continue to learn more of them. Finally, I
like to thank those who have contributed to the completion of this book,
especially Dr. Ying Zhu.