Introduction to Statistics for Biomedical Engineers - Kristina M. Ropella

There are many books wrtten about statstcs, some bref, some detaled, some humorous, some colorful, and some qute dry. Each of these texts s desgned for a specfic audence. Too often, texts about statstcs have been rather theoretcal and ntmdatng for those not practcng statstcal analyss on a routne bass. Thus, many engneers and scentsts, who need to use statstcs much more frequently than calculus or dfferental equatons, lack sufficent knowledge of the use of statstcs. The audence that s addressed n ths text s the unversty-level bomedcal engneerng student who needs a bare-bones coverage of the most basc statstcal analyss frequently used n bomedcal engneerng practce. The text ntroduces students to the essental vocabulary and basc concepts of probablty and statstcs that are requred to perform the numercal summary and statstcal analyss used n the bomedcal field.

There are many books wrtten about statstcs, some bref, some detaled, some humorous, some colorful, and some qute dry. Each of these texts s desgned for a specfic audence. Too often, texts about statstcs have been rather theoretcal and ntmdatng for those not practcng statstcal analyss on a routne bass. Thus, many engneers and scentsts, who need to use statstcs much more frequently than calculus or dfferental equatons, lack sufficent knowledge of the use of statstcs. The audence that s addressed n ths text s the unversty-level bomedcal engneerng student who needs a bare-bones coverage of the most basc statstcal analyss frequently used n bomedcal engneerng practce. The text ntroduces students to the essental vocabulary and basc concepts of probablty and statstcs that are requred to perform the numercal summary and statstcal analyss used n the bomedcal field.