لتحسين أداء وسرعة الموبايل للأندرويد Assistant Pro for Android v23.62

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Assistant Pro for Android v23.62

    أهم 18 ميزة لمساعدتك بسهولة وكفاءة في إدارة هاتف Android الخاص بك. يعد Android Assistant أحد أدوات الإدارة الأقوى والأكثر شمولاً لتحسين أداء هاتف Android. إنه يسرع سرعة تشغيل هاتفك ويحفظ البطارية.

    Top 18 features to help you easily and efficiently manage your android phone. Android Assistant is one of the most powerful and comprehensive management tools to improve your android phone's performance. It speeds up your phone's running speed and saves battery.

    Monitor status (cpu, memory, battery)
    Process Manager (Auto Boost and Quick Boost can distinguish different types of processes thus will not kill fatal system processes and apps in Ignore List.)
    Cache Cleaner
    System Clean(Browser History, Clipboard, Market History, Gmail History, Google Earth History, Google Map History)
    Save Battery Settings(bluetooth, wifi, gps, auto-sync, orientation, haptic feedback, screen brightness, timeout)
    File Manager
    Startup Manager
    Batch Uninstall
    Battery use
    Volume Control
    Startup Time
    Startup Silent(Menu->Settings->Startup Silent)
    System Info
    Widget(Quick Booster[1,4], Shortcuts[4])
    App 2 SD (Support android 2.2 and later):Get more free internal phone storage space
    Batch Installation
    App backup and restore

