3D Seismic Interpretation
3-D Seismic Interpretation
3-D seismic data have become the key tool used in the oil and gas industry to understand the subsurface.
In addition to providing excellent structual images, the dense sampling of a 3-D survey can sometimes
make it possible to map resewoir quality and the distribution ofoil and gas. The aim of this book is to help
geophysicists and geologists new to the technique to interpret 3-D data while avoiding common pitfalls.
Topics covered include basic structural interpretation and map-making; the use of 3-D visualisation
methods; interpretation of seismic amplitudes, including theirrelation to rock and fluid propertiesi and the
generation and use of AVo and acoustic impedance datasets. Also included is the increasingly important
neld of timelapse seismic mapping, which allows the interpreter to ftace the movement of fluids within
the reservoir during production. The discussion of the acquisition and processing of 3-D seismic data is
rntended to promote an understanding of important data quality issues. Extensive mathematics has been
avoided, but enough detail is included on the effects ofchanging rock and fluid properties to allow readers
to make their own calculations.