Pile Design and Construction Practice - 4th Edition - M J Tomlinson

Preface to first edition
Piling is both an art and a science. The art lies in selecting the most suitable type of pile and method of installation for the
ground conditions and the form of the loading. Science enables the engineer to predict the behaviour of the piles once they are in the ground and subject to loading. This behaviour is influenced profoundly by the method used to install the piles and it cannot be predicted solely from the physical properties of the pile and of the undisturbed soil. A knowledge of the available
types of piling and methods of constructing piled foundations is essential for a thorough understanding of the science of their behaviour. For this reason the author has preceded the chapters dealing with the calculation of allowable loads on piles and deformation behaviour by descriptions of the many types of properietary and non-proprietary piles and the equipment used to install them. In recent years substantial progress has been made in developing methods of predicting the behaviour of piles under lateral loading. This is important in the design of foundations for deep-water terminals for oil tankers and oil carriers and for offshore platforms for gas and petroleum production. The problems concerning the lateral loading of piles have therefore been given detailed treatment in this book. The author has been fortunate in being able to draw on the world-wide experience of George Wimpey and Company Limited, his employers for nearly 30 years, in the design and construction of piled foundations. He is grateful to the management of Wimpey Laboratories Ltd. and their parent company for permission to include many examples of their work. In particular, thanks are due to P.F.Winfield, FIstructE, for his assistance with the calculations and his help in checking the text and worked examples. Burton-on-Stather, 1977