Principles of Geotechnics

Principles of Geotechnical Engineering was originally published with a 1985 copyright
and was intended for use as a text for the introductory course in geotechnical engineering
taken by practically all civil engineering students, as well as for use as a reference book
for practicing engineers. The book was revised in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006. This
Seventh Edition is the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the text. As in the previous
editions of the book, this new edition offers an overview of soil properties and mechanics,
together with coverage of field practices and basic engineering procedures without changing
the basic philosophy in which the text
written originally.
Unlike the Sixth Edition that had 17 chapters, this edition has 18 chapters. For better
understanding and more comprehensive
Weight-Volume Relationships and
Plasticity and Structure of Soil are now presented in two separate chapters (Chapters 3 and
4). Most of the example and homework problems have been changed and/or modified.
Other noteworthy changes for the Seventh Edition are
- New scanning electron micrographs for quartz, mica, limestone, sand grains, and
clay minerals such as kaolinite and montmorillonite have been added to Chapter 2.
- A summary of recently published empirical relationships between liquid limit, plastic
limit, plasticity index, activity, and clay-size fractions in a soil mass have been
incorporated in Chapter 4.
- The USDA Textural Classification of Soil has now been added to Chapter 5
(Classification of Soil).
- Additional empirical relationships for hydraulic conductivity for granular and
cohesive soils have been added, respectively, to Chapter 7 (Permeability) and
Chapter 17 (Landfill Liners and Geosynthetics).
- The presentation of the filter design criteria has been improved in Chapter 8
- In Chapter 11 (Compressibility of Soil), the procedure for estimating elastic
settlement of foundations has been thoroughly revised with the inclusions of theories
by Steinbrenner (1934) and Fox (1948). A case study related to the consolidation
settlement due to a preload fill for construction of the Tampa VA Hospital is also
added to this chapter.