Offshore & Nearshore Geotechnical Engineering

The Institute of Engineering & Ocean Technology (IEOT), of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is happy to present the proceedings of GEOSHORE International Conference on Offshore and Nearshore Geotechnical Engineering, organized jointly with Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norway under the aegis of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The conference is organized as part of an ongoing Institutional Co-operation Programme between IEOT and NGI.
The conference is aimed at disseminahg state-of-the-art information and knowledge acquired by Geotechnical engineers towards solving Geotechnical problems related to offshore and nearshore structures including those related to deepwater exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. This conference has provided the opportunity to meet and share ideas, experiences and achievements through participation in
keynote and theme lecture, technical paper presentations and discussions. The Conference has been attended by delegates from overseas (about 10 countries) in addition to the distinguished national scientists and engineers from oil industry, port trusts, construction industry, consultants, Geotechnical equipment manufactures, researchers and academicians.
The proceedings constitute 66 technical papers presented during the conference including keynote lectures and theme lectures by renowned personalities like Prof. Kenji Ishihara, President of ISSMGE, Japan, Ms. Suzanne Lacasse of NGI, Norway Prof. Mark Randolph of University of Western Australia and
Prof. A. Sridharan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The papers presented are mostly covering the following six themes :
Offshore Geotechnical engineering including deepwater problems Laboratory, In-situ and Field testing and behaviour of soils Model testing applied to various Geotechnical problems Soil structure interaction and foundation design Nearshore Geotechnical engineering Marine environmental geotechnics and soil improvement
On behalf of Organising Committee of the Conference and also on our own behalf, I take this opportunity
to thank the authors of all papers constituting this proceedings which contain a wealth of information on recent as well as emerging developmental areas of offshore and nearshore geotechnical engineering. We also compliment the Publication Committee of the conference for the excellent job done by them in bringing out this conference proceedings.