Nondestructive Testing of Deep Foundations
Both authors of this book have been involved in the development and application of
nondestructive test techniques for deep foundations for a very large part of their lives
and have worked in many parts of the world. In doing so, they have concurrently
observed and contributed to improvements in deep foundation design, construction,
inspection and testing techniques, and developments in construction equipment and
materials. As in all industries where advances occur almost daily, and are driven by
a combination of technological interest and financial need, occasional mistakes are
made, and today’s miracle solution sometimes becomes tomorrow’s lesson for the

Like all other forms of nondestructive or non-invasive testing, nondestructive testing
of deep foundations is the subject of many myths and legends. In reality, every
test method has specific capabilities and limitations that govern the usefulness of the
test results. While every test technique in commercial use has proven capabilities, the
results of any test used in the wrong circumstances will, at best, be inconclusive, and
at worst may be downright misleading.
The initial aim of this book was to provide a starting point and logical guide for
geotechnical and/or structural engineering students with an interest in deep foundations
and a useful reference for practicing professionals who have never been exposed
to testing techniques for deep foundations, but, through no fault of their own, suddenly
find themselves needing to specify or hire such testing services. However, as the book
evolved, so did the authors’ appreciation of the common misconceptions in the deep
foundations industry.