بســم الله الـرحمــن الرحيــم
Introductory Algebraic Number Theory
By Saban Alaca, Kenneth S. Williams,
* Publisher: Cambridge University Press
* Number Of Pages: 446
* Publication Date: 2003-11-17
* ISBN / ASIN: 0521540119
Book Description:

Suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, this book is an introduction to algebraic number theory at an elementary level. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum, and numerous examples illustrating the material occur throughout the text. References to suggested readings and to the biographies of mathematicians who have contributed to the development of algebraic number theory are provided at the end of each chapter. Other features include over 320 exercises, an extensive index, and helpful location guides to theorems in the text
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Introductory Algebraic Number Theory
By Saban Alaca, Kenneth S. Williams,
* Publisher: Cambridge University Press
* Number Of Pages: 446
* Publication Date: 2003-11-17
* ISBN / ASIN: 0521540119
Book Description:

Suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, this book is an introduction to algebraic number theory at an elementary level. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum, and numerous examples illustrating the material occur throughout the text. References to suggested readings and to the biographies of mathematicians who have contributed to the development of algebraic number theory are provided at the end of each chapter. Other features include over 320 exercises, an extensive index, and helpful location guides to theorems in the text
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Type: PDF
Size: 20.87 MB