Everest Dictionary 3.0 - ثمانية عشرة قاموس في قاموس واحد لعدة لغات

Translation and Dictionaries

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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    على الشركه 18 قاموس في قاموس واحد ولعدة لغات لم أجربه بعد للتأكد من وجود اللغه العربية به

    Everest Dictionary 3.1

    It is the greatest free dictionary. For the time being, it includes 18

    dictionaries. The producer assured us that soon he will contribute with other

    some dictionaries.

    The facilities of this dictionary:

    - It contain all international communication languages
    - The possibility to search words in many dictionaries
    - The possibility to search words using an index
    - Speech agent; in beta version, only the English words can be correctly listened
    - Intuitive aspect
    - The search of the words can be particularized
    - A double-click on a word will generate the automatic search of the word this

    command was acting on
    - Back button to the definition previously searched
    - It monitors the clipboard; in any program, a simple copy of the word to the

    clipboard using "Copy" command will have as effect the automatic search of the

    word in dictionary.
    - It includes a little window (in order to learn new words), where it is randomly

    reproduced a word from the load dictionary
    - The color of the found words can be particularized.
    - Instant translator: translate words using your mouse
    - Everest Game: good for testing your knowledge

    Dictionaries: 35. Total entries: 2.975.040

    What's New in This Release:

    · Everest Translator - online translator which helps to translate texts. You have

    possibility to save translations for a later use
    · It is possible to search words across all glossaries
    · Everest Share - a tool which helps you to share your glossaries and

    translations made with Everest Glossary and Everest Translator with your friends
    · Everest Resources - a tool which helps you to manage you favorite translation

    web sites
    · Everest Manager - a small window which helps you to lunch Everest modules

    (Everest Dictionary, Everest Instant, Everest Translator, Everest Glossary,

    Everest Resources) On Windows 2000/XP this tool have transparency and fade

    in/fade out effect
    · Everest Support - you can write me if you want
    · Changing tray icon popupmenu from left click to right click on Windows

    · Changing close button behavior: When pressing on close button, form will hide;

    When you press on close button for more than 2 sec, application will close
    · Improvements in Everest Instant: You have possibility to switch between

    languages (like in main dictionary); البحث on double click on a specific word

    (like in main dictionary)
    · Update system wide shortcuts


  • semo1
    مشرف القسم الهندسي
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