Earthquake design practice for buildings Second edition

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Earthquake design practice for buildings Second edition


    Scope of the book

    This book is intended as a design guide for practitioners and advanced students

    with a sound knowledge of structural design who are not expert in seismic aspects

    of design, and perhaps are encountering the problem for the first time. Earthquake

    engineering is a vast subject and the intention of this book is not to provide a fully

    comprehensive treatment of all its aspects. Rather, it is to provide the practising

    engineer with an understanding of those aspects of the subject that are important

    when designing buildings in earthquake country, with references to sources of

    more detailed information where necessary. Many of the principles discussed

    also apply to the design of non-building structures, such as bridges or telecommunications

    towers, but the scope of this book is restricted to buildings.

