Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings, 3rd Edition

Scope of the book
This book is directed towards practising engineers and
advanced students who have a sound general knowledge of
structural design but who may be unfamiliar with the
problems of providing earthquake resistance. Earthquake
engineering is a vast subject and the intention of this book is
not to provide a fully comprehensive treatment. Rather, it is
hoped to give its readers an understanding of those aspects of
the subject that are important when designing buildings in
earthquake country, with reference to more detailed sources
where necessary. The scope of this book is restricted to
buildings, but many of the principles discussed apply more
generally to other forms of construction such as bridges,
tanks and telecommunication towers.

Scope of the book
This book is directed towards practising engineers and
advanced students who have a sound general knowledge of
structural design but who may be unfamiliar with the
problems of providing earthquake resistance. Earthquake
engineering is a vast subject and the intention of this book is
not to provide a fully comprehensive treatment. Rather, it is
hoped to give its readers an understanding of those aspects of
the subject that are important when designing buildings in
earthquake country, with reference to more detailed sources
where necessary. The scope of this book is restricted to
buildings, but many of the principles discussed apply more
generally to other forms of construction such as bridges,
tanks and telecommunication towers.