السلام عليكم
برنامج صغير وسريع جدا بتحويل صورة أو مجموعة صور إلي ملف واحد بي دي أف
VeryPDF Image2PDF (PDF E-Book Maker) v 3.2
VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter v3.2
الوصف ونبذه عن البرنامج
VeryPDF Image2PDF is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to directly convert dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC,etc. into PDF format. This incredible program has the ability to correct black and white images by using special techniques to insure high quality output after conversion. What is more, the program features a very simple and intuitive user interface which does not require any technical knowledge to be operated and makes this task a breeze.VeryPDF Image2PDF can operate Adobe Acrobat independently and enables you to scan paper documents directly to image files and then convert them to PDF in a few simple steps. This program is perfect for high-volume document archive/database systems that require unattended batch image conversions (TIFF or other images) to PDF format. All in all, if you are looking for an application that allows you to convert images into PDF files in a few seconds, VeryPDF Image2PDF is perfect for you.
صور عن البرنامج

برنامج صغير وسريع جدا بتحويل صورة أو مجموعة صور إلي ملف واحد بي دي أف
VeryPDF Image2PDF (PDF E-Book Maker) v 3.2
VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter v3.2
الوصف ونبذه عن البرنامج
VeryPDF Image2PDF is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to directly convert dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC,etc. into PDF format. This incredible program has the ability to correct black and white images by using special techniques to insure high quality output after conversion. What is more, the program features a very simple and intuitive user interface which does not require any technical knowledge to be operated and makes this task a breeze.VeryPDF Image2PDF can operate Adobe Acrobat independently and enables you to scan paper documents directly to image files and then convert them to PDF in a few simple steps. This program is perfect for high-volume document archive/database systems that require unattended batch image conversions (TIFF or other images) to PDF format. All in all, if you are looking for an application that allows you to convert images into PDF files in a few seconds, VeryPDF Image2PDF is perfect for you.
صور عن البرنامج
